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BIPOC Resources
Ressources pour les personnes noires, autochtones, et racisées

In light of Black History Month in 2022, we put together a resource page to gather relevant and essential opportunities for learning from and about BIPOC voices, perspectives, and realities. We hope that these resources can help you begin and/or continue your journey to become a good ally. Our hope is that this page, and our learning adventure never stay stagnant.
*This page is always growing and more resources are being added thanks to research and suggestions made by our community partners and members.

À la lueur du mois de l'histoire des Noirs, nous avons compilé une liste de ressources pour continuer notre apprentissage sur et par des voix, des perspectives et des réalités des personnes noires et racisées. Nous espérons que les ressources affichées ici vous assistent dans votre cheminement pour pour devenir de allié.e.s.

*La liste des ressources est actuellement en train d'être compilée grâce à la recherche et aux suggestions.

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DESTA - Montréal

Based in Little Burgundy and serving participants across Greater Montreal, DESTA supports Black youth aged 18 to 35 in reaching their educational, employability, and entrepreneurial goals through a holistic and individualized approach.

NATIVE WOMEN'S SHELTER / Foyer des femmes autochtones - Montréal

The NWSM is the only women’s shelter in Montreal that provides services exclusively to Aboriginal women and their children. Women are offered an up to three month stay in one of 13 private rooms, many of which are capable of accommodating more than one person so that women may stay with their children.

Le FFAM est le seul foyer pour femmes à Montréal dont les services sont exclusivement destinés aux femmes autochtones et à leurs enfants. Les femmes peuvent habiter dans l'une de 13 chambres privées, dont certaines peuvent accueillir plus d'une personne, afin que les enfants puissent y résider avec leurs mères.


The Afghan Women’s Centre (AWC) of Montreal empowers socially isolated immigrant women within Montreal by creating programs according to their needs, facilitating self-development workshops, and promoting team-based projects.

La mission du Centre des Femmes afghanes (CFAM) est d’aider les femmes immigrantes vivant à Montréal à rompre l’isolement social. Nous y parvenons en créant des programmes qui répondent à leurs besoins, en animant des ateliers de développement indivIduel et collectif et en promouvant des projets d’équipe.


Black-Led charities directory through Canada Helps. Find a list of all registered charities that work to support the Black communities across Canada. 


Indigenous-led charities directory through Canada Helps. Find a list of registered charities that work to support Indigenous communities, sustain their activities, protect their lands and cultures.


The South Asian Women’s Centre is a voluntary non-profit women’s organization run by, and for South Asian Women. Our purpose is to increase self awareness of South Asian Women and to empower women to develop their social and cultural potential. The Centre is a place where South Asian Women of all backgrounds and ages can access a variety of programs and services. We strive to provide an environment where women can work together to promote their well-being.

Our primary focus is to increase women’s awareness of themselves and assist them to develop their full potential by increasing their economic, social, and political standing in society.


SOCH Mental Health aims to empower community members to recognize and accept mental health as an essential part of their wellness through education, prevention, and building resilience.


South Asian Canadians Health & Social Services – SACHSS is a registered not for profit charity organisation, providing health care and social services to South Asian and all other communities and it offers culturally and linguistically appropriate services for South Asian men, women, seniors and youth, and other communities.

READ - Lire

Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? - Beverly Daniel Tatum

Beverly Tatum, a psychologist who studies racial identity, presents here a book about the development of racial identity and its connection to the racism prevalent in American society at the turn of the 20th century. The book focuses primarily on Black-White relations in childhood and adolescence. Tatum begins the book with an examination of the terms in which racism is understood. She first offers her admittedly controversial understanding of racism as a system of advantage based on race. That is, racism does not necessarily require any one person to harbor explicit racist attitudes.

I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness - Austin Channing Brown

In a time when nearly every institution (schools, churches, universities, businesses) claims to value diversity in its mission statement, Austin writes in breathtaking detail about her journey to self-worth and the pitfalls that kill our attempts at racial justice. Her stories bear witness to the complexity of America’s social fabric—from Black Cleveland neighborhoods to private schools in the middle-class suburbs, from prison walls to the boardrooms at majority-white organizations. - Penguin Random House

The Skin We're In - Desmond Cole

The Skin We’re In is an impressive feat of historical and contemporary investigative research. It contains histories of Canada not typically seen in textbooks or in broader online discourse. The text will be eye-opening for many Canadians who take satisfaction in overlooking Canada’s racist, settler-colonial past, proudly deeming it “not as bad” as the U.S. It will also be eye-opening to those who are aware of this and have worked against injustice in their everyday lives but don’t realize just how deep systemic inequality runs. - Quill & Quire

Deep Diversity: A Compassionate, Scientific Approach to Achieving Racial Justice - Shakil Choudhury

With clear language and engaging stories that will appeal to readers of Brené Brown and Malcom Gladwell, Choudhury explains how and why well-intentioned people can perpetuate systems of oppression, often unconsciously. Using a trauma-informed approach that removes shame or blame, he offers us the tools to recognize, take authentic responsibility, and enact deep change. In easy-to-absorb chapters, Choudhury interweaves research into the brain and studies on human behavior with hard-won lessons from his career of helping organizations and CEOs create more inclusive environments. He models vulnerability and mistake-making, sharing examples of his own bias-missteps so readers are encouraged into their own racial justice journey without judgment. - Guelph Bookshelf

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Libète - Koukatelier.png
Libète - Koukatelier.png

LISTEN - Écouter

The Diversity Gap Podcast - Bethany Wilkinson

The Diversity Gap Podcast explores the gap between our good intentions for diversity and the impact of those intentions. In this collection of conversations, you will be challenged to think about organizational culture and racial diversity in a fresh and nuanced way. You will also pick up on strategies and best practices to help you create the kind of culture you say you want–one where people from all racial backgrounds are equipped with what they need to thrive at work.

Still Processing Podcast - Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham

Wesley Morris and J Wortham are working it out in this weekly show about culture in the broadest sense. That means television, film, books, music — but also the culture of work, dating, the internet and how those all fit together.

Code Switch Podcast - NPR

What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for. Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race with empathy and humor. We explore how race affects every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, food and everything in between. This podcast makes all of us part of the conversation — because we're all part of the story. Code Switch was named Apple Podcasts' first-ever Show of the Year in 2020.

Colour Code - Denise Balkissoon and Hannah Sung

If there’s one thing Canadians avoid, it’s talking about race. This podcast is here to change that. Join hosts Denise Balkissoon and Hannah Sung for a conversation on race in Canada. We won’t have all the answers but we do ask bold questions.

Born and Raised - Alisha Sawhney and Al Donato

“Where are you really from?” is a loaded question for children of immigrants. Part reflection, part storytelling, “Born And Raised” digs into our experiences and connections with identity, family, and culture.

Sleepover with Sook-Yin Lee

Sleepover host Sook-Yin Lee brings together three complete strangers for 24 hours to talk about what’s difficult and try to make it better.

Black Tea - Dalton Higgins and Melayna Williams

Toronto is a multicultural hotspot. But the diversity that makes the city special isn’t often reflected in the stories we hear and the discussions we have. Black Tea will change that. Dalton Higgins and Melayna Williams are here to bring important and uncomfortable Black community conversations out in the open, and to have some laughs while doing it.

The Secret Life of Canada - Leah Simone-Bowen and Falen Johnson

The Secret Life of Canada is a podcast about the country you know and the stories you don't. Join hosts Leah-Simone Bowen and Falen Johnson as they reveal the beautiful, terrible and weird histories of this land. Season 5 premieres on March 23, 2023 with episodes weekly.

Woke or Whateva - Titi & Beck

Woke or Whateva is a black women led podcast based out of Montreal. The show is a space where Titi and Beck deconstruct the concepts of race and gender to make the information accessible to Black communities primarily. The duo’s ability to vulgarise complex concepts while simultaneously adding an element of fun to their delivery has allowed for a deep connection and a very successful outcome with their audience.

Buy - Acheter


Kouka is a multidisciplinary painter and illustrator. Kouka's art centers around the experience of black women in their struggles, identity and hopes. Wanting to talk more about the importance of wellness and healing, her art is a constant invitation to reconnect, learn and grow. Koukatelier (meaning Kouka's studio in french) is a space of creativity, freedom & expression of self.


Adeyemi Adegbesan is a Toronto-based multi-disciplinary artist whose practice aims to examine the intersectionality of Black identity. Reflecting on Black cultural ideologies from pre-colonial, colonial, present day and future timelines; across regions, religions, varying levels of income and political lines, Adegbesan examines the dichotomy of the richness of Black experiences with the imposed societal homogeneity of ‘Blackness’. Through his work Adegbesan pulls from these varying elements to create Afro-futuristic portraits that embody themes of history, fantasy, speculative futures, and spirituality.


Jacquie Comrie is a Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist whose vibrant body of work intersects contemporary art and wellness at a global scale, using colour as a medium of social impact and mental health.

Whether as murals on buildings, large scale structures, or canvases, her body of work is a dynamic exploration of the science of colour as the universal language of human emotion. Colour has been proven to have a direct effect to human emotion, for which her palettes are consciously designed and orchestrated aiming to cater to mental wellbeing at large.

In such divisive times, and with mental health issues on the rise across the globe, her work aims to contribute to much needed spaces of mental elevation and reset, to ultimately help improve quality of life of all individuals- one wall at a time.


Indigenous-owned, Wilcraft is founded on the belief that there is a transformative power in elevating life’s little moments—like your skincare ritual—with natural choices. They believe in nature and its ability to soothe, heal, and revitalize, and we want to share it. The mission is to bring the power of natural wellness to your everyday through affordable, consciously crafted, and plant-powered skincare products.


In 2009, Atelier New Regime began as a passion project and outlet for self-expression. With a hustler’s spirit at its core, the team designed in a bedroom, stocked t-shirts in a basement and sold them out of their trunks. The love for art, design, photography, and street culture turned three dreamers into a collective of creatives who challenge themselves to offer design-conscious pieces  and innovative experiences.


OCIN is an eco-swimwear brand founded in 2018 by Courtney Chew, who grew up as a swimmer. Chew says her brand was inspired by the ocean, and to encourage and inspire others to protect our water with the ever-growing threat of microplastics, waste around our shorelines, and coral and underwater life extinction. OCIN uses 100 percent recycled polyester from plastic bottles saved from landfill and recycled nylon for its fabrics. 

HATECOPY - Maria Qamar

Drama, desire, pyaar and fire; the main ingredients for the perfect shop. HATECOPY is a product of hand-made objects, art and wearables by Artist Maria Qamar (b. 1991). Their painted works of South Asian-focused pop art have garnered international acclaim and can be found on her page @Hatecopy


Art by HateCopy

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Taharima Habib Consulting

Montreal, Quebec

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Land Acknowledgement

*Acknowledging that the Kanien'kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the unceded lands and waters where I work and live - Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal.


*Reconnaissant que la Nation Kanien'kehá: ka est reconnue comme la gardienne des terres et des eaux non cédées où je travaille et vis - Tiohtiá: ke / Montréal.

©2022 by Taharima Habib Consulting.

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