Every step with compassion.
Chaque pas, avec compassion.
The Book Nook
The Centre
Exploring Culture Change, Capacity Building, Leadership, And Endless Learning
Exploration du changement de culture, du renforcement de capacité, du leadership, et de l'apprentissage continu.
The Journey of Unlearning : Decolonizing & Indigenizing Canadian Curriculum
Myths, Legends, and Magic : Storytelling as a form of Culture Preservation
When Victims Become Perpetrators: Lessons for Genocide Education and Prevention
How the Media has Become One of the Most Unreliable News Sources
Black Women’s Journey Facing Racial Discrimination and White Supremacy in the Workplace
Women’s Health: A Personal and Collective History
Black Woman Navigating Self-Employment: Don’t Become Your Own Barrier
Am I Inclusive, or is it just Black History Month?
I know this isn’t technically in your job description, but...
Practicing Saying NO is a Form of Self-Care
Why I’m Not Interested In Your Intentions
Why Montreal’s 2021 Municipal Election Results Kind of Surprised Me
Why “Diverse” Candidates Are Set Up To Fail In Municipal Election Campaigns